00:00:00.940 --> 00:00:01.643
I'm Megan Bennett,
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I'm Lesley Meier
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and this is Gen X.
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Women Are Sick of this .
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Hi Megan.
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How are you today?
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I got a haircut.
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Good for you, it looks pretty.
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My bangs were going up my nose, they were so long.
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They're so long they're curling back up, so that feels like a nice thing to have done.
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I didn't shower, but I got my hair cut.
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I love it.
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It's fair party, did you get?
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color touched up too, not today.
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End of March.
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Nice, we'll get there it's party, so that's not really how I am.
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That is a thing that I did.
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It's what you am, but it is a potential mood enhancer.
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Yeah, how are you?
00:00:43.505 --> 00:00:45.387
I am okay, I'm all right.
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Yeah, yeah, this month, this well, this year, so far this year so far this year's been a very long year One month and 22 days, the longest year of my life, longest year ever.
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So far it's just been a lot, but it's okay, spring will be here and that will make everything a little better.
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Yes, agreed, because it won't be so fucking cold.
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Right and the sun will be out and trees and flowers and leaves and stuff and if you live in indianapolis, as we do, there might be fewer holes in the roads.
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Yeah, good luck with that In a couple months.
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Good luck with that as spring emerges, there'll be fewer craters.
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Yeah, I know it's terrible, it's just the freeze-thaw, freeze-thaw.
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Oh, it's so bad.
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Anything about it, and this this year's been particularly bad with that.
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Oh yeah and the same spots year after year.
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I call them driving on the moon.
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When I reach these areas where I have to like pause, to like navigate and I really need like a massive suspension, I'm like, ooh, I've arrived at the moon.
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Let's go.
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My Mini Cooper has not been out of the garage because she will fall in a hole.
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Goodbye, we can't have that Down underground.
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Yes, anywho, yeah, it's uh it you know it's fine, everything's fine, everything's fine.
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Are you holding your mini dumpster fire in your hand?
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right, I had a sweatshirt same time I had a sweatshirt during covid that said it's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine.
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I feel like that again it's fine and you're just like dead all, all dead inside.
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It's fine On the ground.
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Let's do a show Cool beans.
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That'll make things better.
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It will.
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So what are we going to talk?
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about today?
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Today we're going to talk about escapism.
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I love it Escapism from the 80s but we're not just going to go right to the main topic.
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We're going to start with our two favorite segments.
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We've got some bullshit and hot goss.
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We do have some bullshit and hot goss.
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Talk to me, leslie.
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What's our bullshit and our hot goss today?
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Our hot goss today is all about the re-release of Prince Purple Rain.
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In theaters no less right.
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One day only, march 5th, warner Brothers, discovery and Dolby will re-release Purple Rain for one night.
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I'm reading this like I have no vocal differentiation or comprehension whatsoever.
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I am reading this.
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Exc am exclusively in dolby cinemas.
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The film will be presented in dolby vision high dynamic range.
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You don't need to know, these things absolutely friggin nothing that and it's gonna sound great you're gonna feel like you are right there in the middle of some hot sexy magic Sexy prince.
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And live music.
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So that movie was smoky hot, smoky, smoky hot.
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Fuck yeah, and it'll be really fun.
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So I think that's AMC Theaters, right, you guys can Google, right, you can look it up.
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I think it's AMC Theaters, but yeah, that sounds good.
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One night only, so you got to get your tickies while you can get your tickies.
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This is my favorite part, I think, of this very technical description of the re-release.
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The picture and sound quality will exceed even the 40th anniversary version 4K disc released in May 2024, whose transfer was restored digitally from an 8K scan.
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I mean I must have picked the most technical description to throw into my notes ever, if you saw it on the last re-released anniversary edition prepare to hold on to your butts, everybody.
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It's going to be so much better.
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All the sweat is going to like feel real.
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It's actually going to be in like 4D surround, like you're in Disney.
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The rain will actually be purple and the movie theater is falling on your head.
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It'll be purple.
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You will get wet on this ride.
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I mean, it is a sexy movie.
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Speaking of sex, Megan, let's talk about sex.
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Let's talk about sex, bullshit and hot goss.
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We were giggling, not giggling.
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We were questioning the veracity of a conversation that was happening in the Facebook group about frequency of sexual encounters amongst long-term couples.
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So for married folks, when somebody put in the group they wanted to know how many times a week the married couples were getting it on and some people were getting it on a lot.
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Yeah, like every night.
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And some people were like more than once a day.
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I'm like damn Damn ladies.
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Everybody working from home.
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I guess Maybe that's had an impact.
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Oh, I wonder if, like the pivot to more work from home jobs, you just have more opportunities if you and your hubs are walking, walking around you don't have to be married.
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You know just well.
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But in the case of this, when they were asking like oh yeah, whether you were married but I mean, you're walking around and you're and your significant significant other is also working and you accidentally bump into each other in the kitchen and then, you bump into each other again.
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And then again.
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And then again you get some mayonnaise on you.
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I don't know, oops, how did my dick get in there?
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I don't know, I love it.
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So that's sort of interesting because it's, I think, in many ways, when folks talk about in our age group, talk about menopause, it does impact sex drive and I do think that many folks experience a return to or resurgence of their sex drive.
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It's also kind of true if you don't use it, you're going to lose it.
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I think, yeah, that's true, and I guess it depends on.
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I mean it's all hormone related, Like your clitoris.
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Yeah, because that will fade away ladies, it will fade away.
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You got to use it.
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The hormones obviously have a lot to do with all of this, right.
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For sure, if you don't have enough testosterone, then it's really hard to be interested in sex, yep, that's like the thing that really makes you, you know, want to do it, yep, which is why dudes apparently want to do it all the time because of the testosterone.
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That's what I've heard.
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I agree.
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So if you don't have that hormone, then that makes it difficult, I think.
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Also, if you are post-menopause and you don't have to worry about having no babies no more.
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Yeah, there's an amazing freedom in that.
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That's very freeing.
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Yeah, like condoms?
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Yes, it can be the recreational activity.
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It always should have been Birth control pills be the recreational activity it always should have been.
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Control pills don't need that anymore.
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No, just go for go to town, have fun.
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So apparently there are a lot of gen x women who are um having a lot of sex.
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There's a lot that aren't there was a number of people who were like you know, I haven't had it in a very long time and I get it.
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Personal preference, absolutely yeah, whether circumstance?
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Absolutely yeah, whether circumstance, health, choice.
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You know tough relationships in the past, not having positive experiences.
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There's so much that goes into that and how you frame your sexual experiences and like you have a body that can experience good sensations.
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Yeah, and some of us aren't built that way, so yeah, sometimes.
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But anyway, yeah, lots of people having lots of sex.
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So, prince, being back in movie theaters, maybe as a harbinger for Gen X, it's going to make him more sex.
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There you go.
00:08:41.301 --> 00:08:44.250
Just buy that ticket One night, only Take that ride.
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So there, yeah, that's pretty good.
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We could talk about that more, but I'm sure it'll come up again.
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Uh, what shit are we sick of today with my long vocal pause?
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Did you like that transition?
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It was good what, what, uh.
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What did you pull out that we were sick of today?
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uh plastic shoes.
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Oh, plastic shoes.
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Those goddamn jellies.
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Is that what we're talking about?
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Those goddamn jellies.
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Why are they back?
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I don't know.
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I don't understand.
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It's an aesthetic.
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They're not comfortable.
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No, there's zero.
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I mean nothing gives you blisters as fast as a plastic shoe, rubbing on your foot.
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Why on your foot?
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well, and it's not a style of shoe.
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That's like coming back around where there have been massive improvements made to like no they're the same soul, freaking shoe or the support or anything.
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They are the same hunks of rubber that we had on our feet when I mean I think it was probably like 10, yeah 11, 12, when I last wore jellies.
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Your feet sweat, they smell, you get blisters.
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They're very uncomfortable.
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Yeah, they're flat.
00:10:00.039 --> 00:10:01.567
Do we have Crocs to thank for this?
00:10:01.567 --> 00:10:06.548
Crocs are comfortable, at least they're foamy and poofy.
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But I mean, was that the transition back to like rubber shoes.
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Is this retro Crocs Like are?
00:10:13.327 --> 00:10:13.609
we going-.
00:10:13.960 --> 00:10:15.807
Like Crocs for the new rubber shoe.
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And then they're like oh my gosh, you guys.
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I looked at one of my mom's old photo albums and I was like I need those.
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Look how cool those are.
00:10:23.779 --> 00:10:41.873
So I did see that Steve Madden has his own line of jelly shoes and I'm like like I want to get on the phone and call steve madden and say mr steve madden, you and I are normally aligned in our shoe love, like I like what you put out.
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I think they're fun.
00:10:42.875 --> 00:10:47.486
But what the fuck, steve madden with plastic rubber, right?
00:10:47.486 --> 00:10:52.914
See him so bad, they're so bad, they are colorful I just want to share.
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You all are being lied to and you're spending wait wait, how much are those?
00:11:00.013 --> 00:11:02.842
oh, you are those 50 plastic shoes.
00:11:03.124 --> 00:11:09.094
They're 50, those are 50 and these are just waterproof birkenstocks.
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So don't buy those, y'all, just go buy the waterproof birkenstocks.
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So don't buy those, y'all, just go buy the waterproof Birkenstocks.
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Those are like look, they're blue, Look and they're orange.
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This is the height of consumerism.
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You're being lied to.
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Don't buy these.
00:11:19.956 --> 00:11:20.659
This is ridiculous.
00:11:20.659 --> 00:11:23.129
They also come up a little higher than previous.
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There's some, but like, look, there's little like the ones that the Like the ballerina flap yeah they look exactly the same.
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I have no idea.
00:11:33.509 --> 00:11:40.916
I'll be curious if somebody ever writes a history of the jelly and explains to us the thinking.
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Maybe if you've done your thesis on the jelly, we would like to it a copy of that thesis.
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What if what really happened is somebody thoroughly combed all of the landfills and just pulled out jellies from when we were kids and they've just been like recycled.
00:12:00.702 --> 00:12:03.591
I mean you could just dust them off because you know that they're there.
00:12:03.759 --> 00:12:08.812
Those are different, so the steve madden ones do come up higher why do they have socks with them?
00:12:08.812 --> 00:12:10.822
Because you get fucking blisters.
00:12:10.822 --> 00:12:15.370
I don't know, but this model, yes, has socks on with their jellies.
00:12:16.572 --> 00:12:17.472
And look at the shorts.
00:12:17.773 --> 00:12:18.313
And you know what?
00:12:21.947 --> 00:12:24.359
Those socks are going to get dirty.
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There's the big gapey holes.
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Anywho, certain things can come around and I can go.
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Oh yeah, I could see why people might be into that Gee, I kind of missed that.
00:12:32.794 --> 00:12:34.356
Yeah, you know that was fun.
00:12:34.356 --> 00:12:40.874
I don't know that I'd put it back on now, but I love that, like the 20s or the teens are wearing them.
00:12:40.960 --> 00:12:43.788
You could bring shoulder pads back a little bit, and that's okay.
00:12:43.788 --> 00:12:44.390
I think they are.
00:12:44.580 --> 00:12:47.570
I think there's like a little resurgence of shoulder pads, that's okay.
00:12:51.980 --> 00:12:52.701
That shoulder pads, that's okay.
00:12:52.701 --> 00:12:53.322
That gives structure to your.
00:12:53.342 --> 00:12:55.307
You know your clothes, yeah, but the jelly shoes can just stay in the past.
00:12:55.307 --> 00:13:10.551
Yeah, we're sorry, steve madden, we need to talk you've been brainwashed, lied to you shouldn't be there you don't, and it's okay, you don't have to, it won't last long it'll probably like a year, yeah, maybe two, yeah, and then they'll be gone again back in the landfill.
00:13:10.551 --> 00:13:11.994
We'll just recycle them again.
00:13:11.994 --> 00:13:17.945
So that's what we're sick of today, maybe it's all supposed to sell Band-Aids, maybe it's like a.
00:13:19.625 --> 00:13:26.993
That's a conspiracy theory I can get behind Jelly shoes are just a Band-Aid brand conspiracy.
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Like they want you to buy those shoes, so you have to then buy band-aids.
00:13:31.850 --> 00:13:33.080
I'll buy that, okay.
00:13:33.080 --> 00:13:39.913
Gen X Women Are Sick of the Shit is supported by Lylas Love you like a sis, a Gen X Women's social club.
00:13:39.913 --> 00:13:54.524
What's Lylas Megan books of faces off all of the other traditional social media.
00:13:54.524 --> 00:13:57.134
It is our space and place for Gen X women to come together, have conversations, meet each other.
00:13:57.596 --> 00:13:58.220
It's a social club.
00:13:58.220 --> 00:13:59.322
It is a social club.
00:13:59.322 --> 00:14:00.865
It's a membership-based club.
00:14:00.865 --> 00:14:03.110
Memberships are $10 a month.
00:14:03.110 --> 00:14:08.229
That does help support us in growing the platform.
00:14:08.229 --> 00:14:17.673
We purchased a platform that would host a network of women so that you could come together and meet each other in real time.
00:14:18.019 --> 00:14:25.433
In a safer space than a traditional social media platform and a much more personal space.
00:14:25.433 --> 00:14:27.707
So what do we do there, Leslie?
00:14:27.980 --> 00:14:40.655
We host movie nights where we live stream some of our favorites as they are available to us for group watches of films from the 70s, 80s and 90s.
00:14:40.655 --> 00:14:43.509
We host a space for a monthly book club.
00:14:43.509 --> 00:14:48.291
We host trivia nights once a month.
00:14:49.139 --> 00:14:52.981
We have a live text chat Four prizes, even Four prizes, even Four prizes.
00:14:53.062 --> 00:15:01.403
That's true, the space is able to host like weekly text chats so that you can kind of check in in real time with people.
00:15:01.403 --> 00:15:12.917
I would say the critical difference between kind of what this space is and any other social media space that I've experienced is that it is active.
00:15:12.917 --> 00:15:20.260
You will have to engage in it or be engaged in it by other people, so it's not like a passive consumption thing.
00:15:21.003 --> 00:15:30.682
It's like making connections, yep, and if that's what you're looking for the opportunity to meet other people, to find people who are maybe in the same similar spaces as you are.
00:15:30.962 --> 00:15:38.946
Like-minded, same time, phase of life, navigating all of those transitions, then this might be the right place for you.
00:15:39.506 --> 00:15:40.470
So check out Lylas.
00:15:40.470 --> 00:16:12.230
You can learn more about it at genxwomenpodcom toys here pretend I had all of them I had the pegasus and the pegasus had like rubbery wings and they popped off so you could pop off a little and you can pop them back on and so you could bend them, so you could actually like hold the horse and make it look like it was flying, make it fly.
00:16:12.230 --> 00:16:20.764
The only problem was it had one leg that was outstretched like one of its plastic legs and it broke off.
00:16:21.659 --> 00:16:25.447
And I was so sad Because after a while it gets a little brittle.
00:16:25.447 --> 00:16:30.840
So I had to take scotch tape and tape its little leg back on To go to the first aid.
00:16:30.840 --> 00:16:32.246
I tried everything.
00:16:32.246 --> 00:16:38.011
I tried glue this is pre, you know, Gorilla Glue and stuff like that Pre-fancy glue.
00:16:38.011 --> 00:16:42.687
So I had to just use scotch tape and then he would fly and then it would kind of dangle.
00:16:42.966 --> 00:16:43.750
It was really sad.
00:16:43.750 --> 00:16:46.028
And for our listening audience.
00:16:46.028 --> 00:16:48.779
Megan, what exactly are you talking about?
00:16:48.779 --> 00:16:51.850
What were these action figures from?
00:16:52.700 --> 00:17:02.011
So these action figures were from the fantastic movie Clash of the Titans the original, not the new one, but the original Clash of the Titans from the 80s.
00:17:02.639 --> 00:17:05.205
Clash of the Titans came out in 1983.
00:17:05.205 --> 00:17:09.240
I've read this note a million times and I will forget it every single time.